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One Way To Heaven (The Sequel to Heaven & Earth) Page 5

  Each hustler looked back and forth at each other. Then one of them spoke on all their behalf. “Ain’t nobody packin’ my dude.”

  Grim just shook his head. He couldn’t believe how care free and un-prepared the hustlers were for situations such as this.

  “Yo, crawl your ass over here where I can see you,” Grim waved his gun over to the alerting hustler he had shot in the leg without taking his eyes off the five man circle.

  “I’m here to collect. You’re late on your bill,” Grim then said all in the same breath.

  Again, each man looked back and forth at the other. At least everybody but one.

  “He know who I’m talking to. The money or your life. Three seconds to choose.”

  Without hesitation, Free tossed his keys in the direction of Grim and said with arrogance, “It’s in the trunk. All of it with interest.”

  At that moment, he regretted taking the threatening message he’d received a couple of weeks ago when he failed to pay what he’d owed the man responsible for him being in power and position. Since finding a new connect, Free’s greed caused him to take his current one for granted. After the weeks had passed, he figured his previous supplier chalked the non -payment up as a loss, but he now realized he was wrong.

  Grim smirked and shook his head. “Still an arrogant disrespectful mutha’ fucka. Some things never change huh Franklin Jordan,” Grim addressed Free by his birth given name.

  Free’s eyes widened. Only those who he had grown up and gone to school with him had known of his real name and he hadn’t heard anyone use it in decades. He was sure that whoever the collector was he was someone he had gone to school with. Free squinted his eyes trying get a better look at the collector, but the fitted was making it difficult. He had no idea who the six-foot plus, slim built dark skinned brother up under the Yankees hat was.

  Grim knew what he was trying to do. He actually was hoping Free figured out who he was. He wanted him to know.

  “Still trying to be a bully or telling jokes about the clothes mutha’ fuckas wear?” Grim asked in a sarcastic tone.

  All the hustlers stood there with confused expressions on their faces. It was apparent to them that things were a lot deeper than they knew. Had it not been for the clothes statement Free would have been clueless because he had been a bully his entire life. But, there was only one person he remembered ever picking on about the way they dressed. It can’t be he thought.

  “Bob-.” Before he could finish his name, a shot from Grim’s Glock managed to slip through the entrance of Free’s mouth and exited the back of his head. All the hustlers immediately dove to the ground and for cover. Free’s body seemed to fall to the ground in slow motion as it stumbled backwards.

  Grim retrieved Free’s keys from the ground as Free’s body hit it.

  “If you wanna live I suggest you stay down,” Grim advised the other hustlers as he walked over to Free’s body and pumped three more shots into his face as an extra precaution and confirmation. He then made his way to Free’s CLS 550. He popped the trunk and snatched up the duffle bag that was in it. Five seconds later, Grim was pulling off in a dead man’s car.

  He carefully maneuvered his way through the city until he reached Route 1. Once he was floating on the highway he un-zipped the duffle bag. He smiled at the bundles of money in the bag and pulled out his cell phone.

  “It’s a done deal,” Grim said into the phone. “I’ll be to you in about thirty after I get rid of this nigga car.”

  Grim ended the call and increased the volume of the stereo system. He laughed at the popular Rick Ross CD Free had playing. The words I’m a boss blared through the speakers.

  “Not anymore,” Grim said aloud in reference to Free’s demise as he navigated the CLS 550 onto the exit…

  Chapter Eleven

  Heaven inspected the I.D.’s and passports carefully then handed them to their respective new owners.

  “Joanne Gilmore?” Sonya was the first to call out her new identity in disdain. “I don’t look like no fuckin’ Joanne Gilmore,” she complained.

  Shell, Mia and Anita all chuckled in unison, but Heaven found no humor in the complaint.

  “Does it matter if your name is Martha fuckin’ Steward?”

  Heaven’s tone and annoyance was un-mistakenly noticed.

  Sonya dropped her head. “My bad,” she said apologetically.

  She knew she was out of line for her outburst. Furthermore, she knew it was disrespectful towards Heaven, knowing how much it had cost and what it had taken to obtain the identifications.

  Heaven just shook her head disapprovingly.

  “I don’t know what you’re complaining about Sonya. My name is Judith Mulberry,” Mia flashed her passport, making light of the situation. “If that ain’t no bama ass name for a cracker I don’t know what is,” Mia added with a chuckle.

  Mia’s words had done the trick. Everybody including Heaven burst into laughter.

  “Mia you loca mami.” Shell was laughing the hardest.

  “All you bitches is crazy,” Heaven joined. “But I love ya’ll all to death.”

  Each woman became overwhelmed with emotions.

  “We love you too,” they all said in sync.

  Shell was the first to rise from the table and head over to where Heaven sat in the love chair followed by Sonya. Shell threw her arms around Heaven and squeezed tightly.

  “Ride or die mama,” Shell told her.

  “Death before dishonor,” Sonya vowed before throwing her arms around both Heaven and Shell.

  Anita made her way over towards the group hug and wrapped her arms around her three partners.

  Mia stood posted up on the wall watching the emotional scenery. She loved Heaven just as much as the others but she couldn’t help but think about Earth at that moment. She fought to suppress her own emotions she felt building up inside about her mentor. Shell’s voice broke Mia’s chain of thought.

  “Bitch, bring your tough ass over here and show some love.”

  Mia snorted and rolled her eyes then rose up off the wall. In her coolest and slowest walk, she glided over to join her comrades. As soon as she got within reaching distance, Sonya grabbed her by the arm and yanked her into their embrace. For that moment, they all felt free. Free of stress. Free of worry. Free from the world. Each woman held onto the other tightly, deep in their own thoughts. Heaven felt the love. The hugs were just what the doctor had ordered. She knew they were all in the south and in their predicament because of her. Because of the love, loyalty and respect they all had for her. She was grateful for such a crew and all she wanted now was to get them somewhere safe where they could live and be happy. After reading and falling in love with the Assata Shakur book, Heaven already had that place in mind once they completed what she believed to be their final mission.

  “Okay, let me up,” Heaven requested. “That’s enough of all this mushy shit, time to get down to business,” she added.

  Everyone laughed and broke free of the group hug.

  “So, this is it ya’ll.” Heaven flashed a half of a smile. “Once these jokers cop the rest of that shit from Nita’s people we gettin’ up outta here.”

  The look of excitement and anticipation showed on everybody’s faces and in their eyes. In the beginning, Heaven had assured them she had a plan and asked them to trust her and be patient, and they had. Although she never disclosed what the plan was, as time passed, the possibility of that plan becoming a reality seemed almost impossible at times they all thought at some point, but they were all wrong. Now here they were.

  “I’m sure you’re all wondering what’s our next move,” Heaven read their minds.

  “First thing’s first.” Heaven took a deep breath. “Before I share these plans with you, I want you all to know that everything you’ve done thus far from freeing me to staying true to the crew is deeply appreciated. After Nita makes this deal, each one of you will receive $250,000 and a one-way plane ticket to any non-extradition country of your
choice. From here on out you are not obligated to go any further with me than you already have.” Heaven could tell they were confused, so she continued. “I’m headed back home to finish what I started.” She let her words linger in the air and studied everyone’s facial expression as she spoke them.

  “That’s what the fuck I’m talkin’ about,” Sonya roared.

  Her reaction pleased Heaven.

  “Count me in,” Shell followed up with.

  “You already know,” Mia joined.

  Anita gave a confirming nod and Heaven went on.

  “On my orders, Mia’s been in touch with Melissa. She’s been sending her money for us. She already has a place, transportation and the proper tools we need to handle our business back home. She also found out that Monty has resurfaced. He has a new crew and still operating out of New Brunswick. According to her, he never stays in one place too long, but she knows a chick that knows a chick that he just can’t resist no matter where he is. When we get up there, there’s no time to waste. As soon as we get a definite line on where this cock sucker is hiding out at, we get in and get out.”

  All heads nodded in agreement.

  “After that, I’m headed to Cuba,” Heaven informed them. “You’re welcome to join me, if not then I wish you all the best.”

  “Wherever you go I go,” Sonya replied.

  “I already speak the language,” Shell stated.

  “Til death do us part,” Mia expressed.

  “I’m down,” was all Anita said.

  “There it is then. It’s final,” Heaven concluded. “Shell, I need you to go get the rest of the work and bring it back so Nita can go handle her business.”

  “Huh? Why me?” Shell questioned.

  “Because I asked you,” Heaven retorted.

  “I can go and get it,” Anita offered.

  “No, you just got back in, I want Shell to go. Is there a problem?”

  “Nah, it ain’t no problem mama. Anything to speed up the process of getting’ the fuck out of here,” Shell changed her mind.

  “Good. Everybody else, pack whatever’s important. Everything else stays.”

  Everybody headed to their respective rooms while Shell snatched up the keys to the rental car and headed for the door...

  Chapter Twelve

  As soon as Grim entered the apartment, the first thing his eyes laid eyes on was the five-foot curvaceous chocolate dip in the nude he became accustomed to seeing in the recent months.

  “Oh hey Grim.” The chocolate dip smiled and waved. Just as he was, she was used to him seeing her naked.

  “He’s in the living room,” she offered before spinning on her heels and headed back to the bedroom.

  Grim watched her chocolate apple bottom perfectly bounce in harmony as she glided back to the room. He smiled in admiration as he made his way towards the living room.

  “The Grim Reaper, what’s good?” the man stood to greet his friend.

  “Whaddup Mont.”

  The two men hugged.

  “So, shit went good huh?” Monty sat back down.

  “Yeah, piece of cake,” Grim replied.

  Monty laughed. “A piece of cake,” he repeated. “That’s wassup.”

  “I don’t know how much it is, but here’s what he had.” Grim extended the duffle bag in Monty’s direction.

  “Man, keep that shit, I don’t want that. You gave me what I wanted. That nigga’s life,” Monty snarled.

  “Thanks big bruh.”

  “No. Thank you,” Monty returned. “You see, that nigga got greedy. He thought he was untouchable and suffered from amnesia. He thought ‘cause he was fuckin’ with ‘ole boy from Plainfield that just came home from the feds that he could bite the hand that was feeding him and forgot whose hand it was. His biggest mistake was thinking because I don’t come out that I couldn’t see him. He never knew I had a personal relationship with The mutha’ fuckin’ Grim Reaper himself,” Monty let out an insane laugh.

  Grim chuckled himself at the irony.

  “Anyway, fuck ‘em,” Monty concluded. “I hope the nigga in Plainfield didn’t trust him the way I did. If so, shame on him.”

  Grim remained silent. He could care less about the politics of the drug game. He stayed in his lane and didn’t concern himself with anything else. He was a killer and that’s what he did best. He let Monty handle all of that while he focused on solving any problems or cleaning up any messes that Monty may encounter.

  “You know you the only real friend I got right?” Monty came out of nowhere and said.

  “And you the only one I got,” Grim rebutted.

  That made Monty smile. “Man, if it wasn’t for you comin’ to get me that night, I might’ve died in that raggedy ass basement,” Monty confessed. “I’ll never forget that shit. That shit means the world to me.” Monty looked him square in the eyes without blinking.

  “Big bruh, I could say the same thing about you,” Grim pointed out. “If it wasn’t for you pulling up on me that day and taking me in ain’t no tellin’ where I’d be. Shit, I mean, I was eatin’ outta garbage cans and shit, beggin’ for spare change until you came along. I was fucked up when I heard you got knocked and had to do a bid. I even tracked down the nigga that told on you and finished him. If anything I’m in debt to you, but I’ll say we’re even if it makes you feel any better.”

  A grin appeared across Monty’s face. Monty extended his hand. Grim welcomed the handshake.

  “I love you Grim.”

  “Me too big bruh.”

  “Aw, I’m about to cry.” The chocolate dip stood in the doorway of the living room teary eyed fanning herself.

  Neither man knew how long she had been standing there or how much she had heard.

  “What the fuck I tell you about being nosey,” Monty barked.

  “I wasn’t,” she whined. “I was coming to tell you I was about to go. I just walked up,” she added.

  Both men eyed her. Monty let it go but Grim wasn’t completely convinced she was telling the truth.

  “You need money?” Monty asked.

  “I already took some from off the dresser.” She smiled.

  Monty shook his head. “Aight, I’ll see you later.

  She blew Monty a kiss and then said, “Bye Grim.” And then she was out the door.

  “Not to be in your business big bruh, but you trust ‘ole girl like that?” Grim asked.

  “Honestly, just like you my only friend, that’s my only chick. Outside of you she’s the only other person I do trust.”

  “Aight.” Grim shrugged his shoulders. He noticed Monty’s eyes turn soft as he spoke about the chocolate dip.

  For him, outside of Monty, the only other person he trusted was himself. Outside of that, the only other thing he placed his trust in was his twin cannons.

  He knew if it ever came down to it, he would not hesitate to kill the chocolate dip, no matter how Monty felt about her…

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Ay dios mio!” Shell frantically yelled in her Spanish tongue as she slapped the side of her neck. She thought she had felt something crawling on her. Her imagination had gotten the best of her and sent her into a craze. She had actually confused the perspiration trickling down the side of her neck due to the southern heat with an insect. Although on the drive over the radio announced the temperature being 98 degrees, the humidity had it feeling hotter than fish grease thought Shell. She hated the fact that it was her turn to visit the barn. It made her skin crawl each time she entered into the insect infested place. She knew she should have expressed her disdain and experience with bugs and rodents in the past to Heaven but sided against it, not wanting Sonya and the rest of the crew making fun of her. Shell was sensitive when it came to three traumatic situations that had occurred with insects and rodents when she was a little girl. At age six, she had suffered from an ongoing earache, only to discover that a roach had been nesting inside of it. When she was the age of nine years old, she had gotten stung by a wasp on th
e arm at the park and nearly died. As if it couldn’t get any worse, the following year, she was bitten in the face by a rat. None of her home girls ever asked and she never volunteered, but each time she looked in the mirror, the almost un-noticeable scar up under her right eye was a constant reminder of her poverty-stricken upbringing. From there on, she tried to avoid bugs and rodents as much as she could. Although she knew they were everywhere, she was a city girl at heart and hated being in the south where insects such as mosquitoes and bees appeared to reside all year around while birds and deer were bolder than the ones back up north. Shell shook her head in disgust. She climbed up the wooden ladder to retrieve what she had been instructed to get from the barn. When she reached the top, she was caught off guard and startled by a pair of red beady eyes staring at her. The sight of the possum nearly caused her to lose the chicken and rice she had for lunch.

  “Get the fuck outta here you ugly punta!” she cursed and waved her hand in a dismissive manner.

  She couldn’t help but laugh at herself for being more afraid of the rodent than it was of her as she watched the possum slowly mosey along about its business, paying her no mind.

  Shell took a deep breath and pulled herself back together.

  “Fuck that, I’m telling Heaven,” she said aloud to herself in regards to her encounters and fear of insects and rodents.

  Shell climbed off the ladder and within minutes she was headed back down with the duffle bag filled with the 50 kilos they had remaining. As usual, she took her time backpedaling down the ladder with the heavy bag across her back. She knew the exact amount of steps she needed to take in order to reach the ground and counted in her head.

  “What the-,” was all she managed to get out before the wind was knocked out of her from the impact of the fall. Shell couldn’t believe she had fallen off the ladder. She made an effortless attempt to pick herself up as she tried to gather her thoughts and figure out what just happened. Before she could, a blow was delivered to the side of Shell’s left ribs.