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One Way To Heaven (The Sequel to Heaven & Earth)

  One Way To…Heaven

  (Sequel to Heaven & Earth)

  By J.M. Benjamin

  This is a work of fiction. The author has invented the characters. Any resemblance to any persons, living or deceased is purely coincidental.

  Copyright 2012 by J.M. Benjamin

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or produced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the publisher except in cases of short excerpts which may be used in articles and reviews.

  Cover Design by

  Cover Models

  Veronica Sampay (Photo by Lamar D. Mackson) FB/vsampay

  Kia Wright (Photo by Andre Warner)

  Yahaira Rodriguez (Photo by Bennett of YDotCity) FB/yahaira.rodriguez.520

  Kayla Mitchell (Photo by Bennett of YDotCity) FB/kayla.mitch

  Interior Design by Pisces

  Edited by Niqua Edits

  First A New Quality Publishing L.L.C. trade paperback printing 2012

  For more information or contact author or publisher:

  A New Quality Publishing

  P.O. Box 589

  Plainfield, New Jersey 07061

  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2

  First Paperback Edition

  Printed in United States

  ISBN: 978-09829442-7-1


  I give thanks to the Most High for the protection and guidance I have been blessed with in my continuous work in progress thus far and for the humility provided so that I may stay focused on what is most important, what is right and to finish yet another chapter of creativity in my writing career. Allah Is Akbar!

  To my mother, children, siblings and small circle of friends, the role you play in my life is deeply appreciated, thank you.

  To the readers and supporters, thank you for keeping my literary voice alive.

  Special thanks to my new extended family; Film Producers Lamar D. Mackson of Nonstop Show Group & Deatra Harris of Visigoth Pictures, Sundance Film Fest Winner Director Alrick Brown, Lori Margaret and the rest of the Visigoth fam, Screen Play Writer Adam Rauscher Stephanie Bowen, Attorney Michell L. Davis Esq. and Sadiq Murry of Onyx Group. With your contribution and support, I am confident “My Manz And ‘Em The Movie will be a Huge Succes! Thank you all greatly for believing in me and in the project! My Manz And ‘Em The Movie Coming Soon 2012/2013!!!


  The discomfort from his recent gun inflicted wound to the shoulder had Monty tossing and turning. It had been the norm for the past few nights after his visit to the local neighborhood doctor, who normally treated patients who couldn’t afford to go to a regular hospital or simply just couldn’t go, unless they wanted to go to jail afterwards. The painkillers he had been prescribed by the unlicensed practicing physician he had gone to didn’t do anything to ease the pain. Instead, the pills had caused Monty to become sick on the stomach. He discontinued taking them, fearing the worse. He chose to fight the excruciating pain off naturally and was now realizing how difficult of a task his decision was. He didn’t know how much longer he could take being cooped up in one of his stash cribs, before he actually had to go see a real doctor at a real hospital. He was sure the police were looking for him for what happened at Feaster’s Park or for questioning about the murders of his cousin and girlfriend.

  It had been days since he had last seen the incident flash across the television screen, but he knew it hadn’t gone away that easy. Ever since they had captured Heaven, Monty had been on edge. He wondered if she would dime him out as being the one who had gotten away, but after not hearing any mention of his name on the news, he was somewhat convinced, despite all that had transpired, she was playing by street rules, and didn’t give him up. Still, he laid low cautiously until he could be certain that was the case. Monty flicked through channel after channel with nothing in particular in mind to watch. He stopped when he reached the BET station. He was just about to get into the latest Young Jeezy video when his mind did a quick back track. Subconsciously he thought he had recognized something or rather someone a few channels back. Monty’s television slowly traveled backwards as he pointed the remote at the screen. Four stations later, he could not believe his eyes. He increased the volume on the television as his mouth fell open at the photo on the television screen.

  “So far authorities have no leads as to the whereabouts of the suspects or the escapees. We’ll have more as this horrendous story unfolds. In Franklin, police are-.”

  “What the fuck,” Monty cursed as he switched to another channel. He turned just in time to catch the beginning of the story.

  “We’re standing outside midtown New Brunswick, New Jersey where earlier this evening a Middlesex County Sheriff’s Inmate transporting van and Sheriff’s patrol car escort were ambushed on Sandford Street between Livingston Avenue and Lee Avenue. Sources tell us that this woman-.” Monty’s eyes widened and then grew cold as the mug shot flashed across the television screen. “Heavenly Jacobs of New Brunswick,” the anchor woman continued. “May be responsible and cause for the ambush according to the police. Ms. Jacobs was arrested and charged with murder and attempted murder a couple of weeks ago, after a detective witnessed her involvement in gun battle a few days ago on Troop Avenue at Feaster’s Park uptown. She was being held at the Middlesex County Adult Correctional Center in North Brunswick without bail. Ms. Jacobs was denied bail by Judge Ferencz earlier today and our sources say that the decision may have resulted in the ambush. When police arrived on the scene both the transporting Sheriff as well as several male and females inmates were found gunned down. Sources tell us that there were a total of four officers and ten inmates.

  Sources also tell us that this woman, 36 years old Anita Abrams may have been one of the escapees. If you have any information on the whereabouts of these suspects or leading to the arrest of those responsible for this heinous massacre please contact 1800- Crime Stoppers.”

  Monty’s head was in a whirlwind. He rubbed his eyes and shook his head to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. He did not want to believe what his eyes had just witnessed nor what his ears had just heard.

  “This shit keeps getting better and better.” He shook his head and let out an insane laughter.

  Beads of perspiration began to form on his forehead and his palms started to itch. A sense of fear swept through Monty for a split second.

  “Damn,” he cursed as he retrieved his cell phone. Just as he was about to search for the intended number in his phone, he heard a noise. Without hesitation, he reached over and grabbed his 357 snub nose revolver he had laid along side the mattress he laid on. A sharp pain jolted through his entire body due to how swiftly he had moved to obtain the gun but that didn’t matter to him. The only thing that mattered now was survival. He wondered how they had found him and who “they” were. There were only two people who knew about his hole in the wall spot. One, his cousin and the other, the one person he knew could help him and would never betray him. He had already made up his mind that if it were the police, he was not going out or down without a fight. There was no way he was going back to prison he told himself. He had made up his mind long ago that he would be carried by six rather than judged by twelve. Monty grabbed hold of his injured shoulder and raised up. He clenched his teeth to endure the pain. He steadily made his way over towards the back door of the basement. At that moment he heard another sound, only this time it was louder than the first. He could tell they were footsteps. One set of
footsteps. At that point, he knew it could not have been the authorities. He was sure they would not have come alone and would have already busted the upstairs door down and bum-rushed him. Monty could feel his heart beating up against his chest at a rapid pace as the realization of who it could be had dawned on him. How could it be?, he thought to himself. It can’t be. He shook his head at the strong possibility.

  Then out of nowhere, to answer his question, Monty heard her voice from behind. It was a voice he thought he’d never hear again.

  “Payback time mutha’ fucka’!”

  Not wanting to go out like a coward, Monty wasted no time and sprung into action. He spun around quicker than Michael Jackson in the Thriller video and squeezed the trigger of his revolver until he heard the clicking sound of an empty pistol. His eyes widened at the sight of the figure, which was now just mere inches away from him.

  “You thought I wasn’t comin’ for you?” Her voice echoed in the distance as she raised her barrel upward to his temple. Monty couldn’t bring himself to utter a word. He knew he had been caught slipping, literally, with his pants down. All Monty could do was smile. He closed his eyes as he felt the cold steel pressed against his dome. Heaven’s cannon roared just seconds before the bullet exited the chamber.

  The sound of the shot caused Monty to jump out of his sleep. He was sweating profusely. Despite the fact that he now realized he was having the same reoccurring nightmare, instantly he reached for his gun and bounced up. He wondered how long he had been asleep as he looked over at the alarm clock in the corner. Only two hours had passed he noticed since he had placed his call. They had told him the fastest they could get to him was in three hours. Monty located the remote to the television to lower the volume. He noticed the wet stains that outlined his head on the pillow and where his body laid along with the additional bloodstain. He lugged himself to the bathroom and flicked on the light. He turned on the faucet and cupped his hand to quench his thirst then splashed the cold water onto his face. He stared in the mirror. He almost didn’t recognize himself. His eyes were blood shot, his skin coloration seemed dull and his once puffy face from good living seemed to have deflated somewhat. Monty shook his head and lowered it. What a difference a week could make, he thought to himself. He couldn’t believe he was in the predicament he was in. Just a week ago he was on top, living the good life. Now, he was in a filthy hole of a basement like Sadam Hussein, with nothing, fighting and running for his life. The more he thought about it the angrier he became. There was only one person to blame he reasoned with himself. Monty banged his fist on the porcelain sink. He knew the only way now for him to get back everything and then some was to restore his health and take action. Monty raised his head and took one last look at himself in the mirror. He didn’t know whether he wanted to laugh or cry. Instead, a psychotic grimace appeared across his face. He knew there was only one thing left to do if he wanted to make it out of his situation in one piece.

  “I gotta find this bitch before she finds me!” Monty said aloud before dousing a hand full of water in his face for a second time…

  Six Months later…

  On a day like today, 7 a.m. on a Friday morning, the average person would have used a vacation day and would still be home in bed until it was time to get up and start celebrating their birthday, but not Detective Richard Saleski. He chose to spend his day the way he spent most of his days for the past umpteen years since he had been in homicide. Detective Saleski came in with his favorite cup of Joe, complimentary of Dunkin Donuts along with one glazed donut and a bag lunch his wife had prepared the night prior, sat at his desk and flipped opened one of the manila folders he had been building and studying for the past year.

  “Good morning Ms. Jacobs,” he greeted the picture staring back at him. “Today is my birthday and you know what I wished for?” he stated rather asking. “That I could have you and your entire crew of female assassins all wrapped up in a big fancy box and delivered to me on my door step.” He balled up his fist and slammed it down on his desk.

  “You evil little street punk, I’m going to find your ass if it’s the last thing I do.” He mumbled under his breath. For the first time in his career as a homicide detective, Detective Saleski had stumbled across an unsolved case. The case with Heavenly Jacobs had began to become a case of the past. Some on the force had months ago considered it to be a cold case, but not detective Saleski. He had taken it on as his own little pet project. Although he had no leads, he was confident that he would bring Heaven and her team to justice. The night he received the phone call from a colleague informing him of the break out and slaying of some of his fellow officers, Detective Saleski vowed not to let the fallen deaths go in vain. Aside from that, it was more personal for him. His ego and pride would not allow him to keep the blemish that stained his perfect arrest record as a cop. Saleski shook his head. He had arrested women who were in abusive relationships for killing their lovers or boyfriends and one for killing her baby intentionally because she just didn’t want to be a mother anymore, but he had never arrested anyone like Heavenly Jacobs before. She was different in his book. She reminded him of some of the men that he had investigated and captured in the past for murder, who killed with no remorse or regret. It amazed him that a woman right from the city of New Brunswick could be that cold hearted. He thought women like her only existed in the movies but she had proven him wrong and for that, she had to pay. Detective Saleski began to grow an erection at the thought of apprehending Heavenly Jacobs. Both his chain of thought and his hard on had instantly faded by the hand that gripped his shoulder.

  “Sal, this is crazy!” Detective Crawford, Saleski’s partner, stated.

  Normally he would have greeted his partner, but at that moment, her presence irritated him.

  “Joy, I’m not in the mood,” he replied dryly.

  “But you’re in the mood to be obsessing over that damn case?” she question.

  Detective Saleski slammed his balled fist on the desk for a second time. “Dammit, I can spend my FREAKING birthday anyway I feel fit, IT’S MY FREAKING BIRTHDAY NOT YOURS!” he shouted.

  Detective Crawford threw her hands up in submission.

  “Whoa! What the hell did they put in your fucking coffee this morning that got your boxers stuck up in your ass?”

  “I’m sorry.” Detective Saleski smiled at his partner’s comment. “It’s this damn case,” he admitted. “I’m getting nowhere and I know it’s something in here, there always is, I just don’t see it.”

  “You’re really letting this girl get to you huh?” Detective Crawford pointed out.

  “Pretty freaking much.”

  Detective Crawford shook her head. “You’re so compulsive. I don’t know how Katherine put up with you all these years.”

  “Neither does she.”

  “They both shared a laugh.”

  “I was going to wait until tomorrow to give you your birthday present but it looks like you need some cheering up today.”

  “Why do we have to go through this every year?” Detective Saleski sighed. “You know I don’t like you getting me anything.”

  “This is different.” She smiled. “I think you’ll like this one. It’ll make you happy,” Detective Crawford answered.

  Detective Saleski noticed she was hiding something behind her back. He rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Unless you have Ms. Jacobs behind you in tiny little pieces in a box then I don’t want it.”

  “Not quite,” she paused. “But close.”

  Detective Saleski’s eyebrows went up and his eyes widened.

  “Don’t fuck with me Joy!” he pointed his finger at her the way a parent does a child.

  Rather than respond, Detective Joy Crawford revealed a white piece of paper folded up from behind her back and held it out to Detective Saleski.

  “What the hell is this?” he questioned.

  “Open it,” she suggested.

  Detective Saleski fumbled with the piece of paper to get i
t open. His heart rate increased at the thought of what it contained. When he finally opened it and saw what the note had said, blood rushed to his head and his legs nearly gave under way. He had to grab hold of his desk just to keep from falling.

  “Are you okay?” Detective Crawford asked. She knew the content would be overwhelming to him but she never imagined it would be to the extent she had just witnessed. At that moment, she realized just how much the case had taken a toll on her partner.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” Detective Saleski took a sip of his coffee and sat down. “Is this what I think it is?” he looked up at his partner.

  “It’s an aunt, but it’s a start,” she replied.

  “It’s a start.” He agreed. “More than what I could come up with,” he admitted.

  “That’s why you got a partner.”

  He smiled. “A damn great one at that.”

  “I knew my gift would make you happy.” She returned his smile.

  “How’d you get this?” He wanted to know. “I’ve been digging and digging and nothing. It was like they were all freaking orphans or something.”

  “Yeah I was beginning to think so too until I came up on this. Remember that crack house stabbing a few nights ago over on Remsen?”

  “Yeah, the guy stabbed his girlfriend up in front of everybody because she smoked the last rock up.”

  “Well when we brought everybody down narcotics booked them for drugs and paraphernalia. I had to strip search the women. I found something on one of them or should I say it found me.” Detective Crawford laughed.

  “I don’t get it.” Detective Saleski said confused.

  “When I told her to bend over, spread ‘em and cough, out pops six vials of crack with a rubber-ban wrapped around them.”

  Detective Saleski let out a chuckle.

  Okay, go on.”

  “Well it seems she was allergic to jail and would rather sell her soul, die or sell someone else if she could.”